City of Monrovia
Home MenuKitchen/Bathroom Remodel
Kitchens and bathrooms are key areas of energy usage and potential moisture issues.
Having a licensed and knowledgeable contractor obtain the proper permits and inspections will help to ensure the work is done correctly.
Do I need a permit?
Yes, you need to obtain a permit for kitchen and bathroom remodels.
What inspections do I need?
- Framing
- Insulation
- Drywall/Tile backer
- Final
Required Inspections
- Rough Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing (MEPS)
- Insulation (If applicable)
- Drywall / Tile Backer
- Tile lath - When possible, combine this inspection with shower-pan inspection.
- Shower Pan - Water test
- Final - Smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, torque new breakers, and ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) test
Green Building Tips
- Choose green materials for your cabinetry, countertops, finishes, and flooring.
- Use formaldehyde-free materials in your cabinets and finishes for a healthy indoor environment.
- Replace older, energy-hogging appliances and fixtures with newer, energy-efficient models to significantly reduce utility bills.
- Energy Star appliances use 10–50% less energy and water than standard models!
- Install low-flow faucets to save up to 40% on hot and cold water use.
- Design short and direct plumbing runs to save energy and deliver hot water faster.
- Plumbing runs are best placed in interior walls, rather than exterior walls, so it's easier to heat and cool the house, and where mold issues are less likely.
- Smart lighting design can improve kitchen function and appearance - and energy performance.
- Keep recessed lights out of the ceiling if that ceiling is insulated - these can lights act as energy tunnels.
- Design the right mix of task and ambient lighting.
- Use energy-efficient light fixtures wherever possible.